西雅图海狼队再次向橄榄球大联盟(MLR)冠军盾发起冲击。如果您以前从未观看过橄榄球比赛,请想象一下两支由超过 7,000 磅的人组成的球队在几乎没有任何护具的情况下为争夺场地而战的情景,这场比赛融合了橄榄球的体能、曲棍球的残酷和足球的速度。
The Seawolves play over the course of a season that lasts from March through June, with the option for more rugby extending to July if they make a deep playoff run, which is always a possibility for the back-to-back 2018/19 MLR Champion Seawolves, who made it to the finals in the 2023 and 2024 seasons. Take in a match at Starfire Stadium if they're playing a home game, or catch their away game watch parties held at various local sports bars in Seattle Southside depending on the match.