UFO 历史
你知道华盛顿州是美国人均UFO目击次数最多的州吗?这一切都始于 1947 年的得梅因海域,当时一次普通的乘船旅行变成了...
🌞 订阅旅游通讯 👽
注册1947 年,外星人访问了西雅图南区。给他们发个信息,邀请他们回来看看西雅图南区自上次来访后发生的奇妙变化。
By submitting your recording you agree to our terms and conditions that Seattle Southside Regional Tourism Authority is granted unrestricted license to use your voice for tourism promotion purposes, including, but not limited to broadcasting an invitation to aliens in space to return to planet Earth.