"Self-Care" is a huge buzzword these days, but finding true rest and relaxation is easier said than done. Planning what to do to unwind can ironically feel like yet another task on your list, and there are so many distractions pulling our attention. Our suggestion? Book yourself a night or two at a hotel (party of one!) so you're only accountable to yourself, and you can truly tune in to what makes you feel recharged and fulfilled.
Below are some ideas for what to do on your self-care day. Get a spa treatment, stroll through a tranquil botanical garden, browse a bookstore, or treat yourself to your favorite sweet indulgence. Everyone deserves to take themself on a date once in a while!
西雅图南区最简单的 5 个自我保健小窍门
漫步并呼吸新鲜空气也许正是您所需要的。该地区有很多美丽的小径供您欣赏,高线海塔克植物园(Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden)是欣赏美丽植物的免费途径,您还可以在清池纪念花园(Seike Memorial Garden)找到禅意。理想情况下,您可以为自己多花些时间--稍后我们将介绍如果您有时间,您可以做些什么--但即使只是五到十分钟的脑力休息,也会让您感觉焕然一新,更有能力面对新的一天。
您是肾上腺素狂热者吗?到iFly 室内跳伞中心试试不用跳伞的跳伞运动吧!您的心脏会怦怦直跳,而且您不必担心跳伞的问题。需要游戏化锻炼来激励自己?在Dimension XR进行一轮虚拟激光枪战,在三维空间中进行真实的动作,让虚拟体验成为真正的锻炼!任何能让血液流动起来的方式都能帮助你释放内啡肽,改善心情。请记住,如果您觉得自己不能完全投入活动,也不要过于自责--没有人因为玩得开心而感到羞愧,这项运动的目的就是帮助您尽情享受美好时光。
The Spa at Cedarbrook is a true retreat from the everyday. This luxury spa offers massages, skin treatments, manicures, and pedicures with a focus on eco-friendly products. Plus, the spa is located on the lush grounds of Cedarbrook Lodge, so you can enjoy a walk through the garden after your treatment.
Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa in Tukwila is another great option where you can choose from various types of masssages such as Swedish, deep tissue, and prenatal. Skincare options include tons of different options, including facials, dermaplaning, and peels.
If you want to feel glammed up, book an appointment at Gene Juarez Salon and get an expert haircut or blowout.
享受有质量的 "我 "的时间
有时,最难拥有的资产就是时间。这就是为什么花时间在自己身上似乎是一种强烈的奢侈,我们中的许多人都觉得自己负担不起。但是,就像他们在飞机起飞前的安全演讲中告诉你的那样,在帮助别人之前,你必须先戴上自己的氧气面罩。也就是说:你需要先帮助自己,然后才能真正帮助别人。因此,值得花一些时间来真正了解自己。养成为自己留出一些时间的习惯。就像本文开头提到的那样,从小事做起,在这里或那里花几分钟时间,逐步增加自己的时间。花时间放松自己。去巴诺 书店(Barnes & Noble)或半价书店(Half Price Books)买些书来读,哪怕是觉得无聊和放纵的书。不一定非得是高深的读物,也能让你和自己度过一段高质量的时光。
A Mini Self-Care Itinerary
Want to make planning your Self-Care Day extra easy? Follow this itinerary, created with local creator and flight attendant Rosie Tran, which includes a stop at a charming bookstore, a lunch of hot, comforting ramen, and a soothing facial.